Good sleep is underrated.
Most of us associate young age with sleeping less and hustling more. To keep up with the fast-paced world, we often neglect sleep. What we don’t factor in is that a good night’s sleep is what helps us feel refreshed and ready to face the day in the morning.
Many of us, however, struggle to get sound sleep, thanks to over-indulgence in technology and an inactive lifestyle. Apart from mindful lifestyle changes, natural sleeping aids could help you achieve a good night’s rest that results in more productive mornings.
Morning Fresh’s non-habit-forming sleeping aid can help you get a restful night’s sleep the natural way. Made for different kinds of sleep, a mild mix of Morning Fresh Restful Sleep or the Biotin-infused Beauty Sleep or even the melatonin-rich Deep Sleep could be the perfect solution for you to wake up feeling refreshed and energised, every day.
What happens in your body when you sleep?
To develop a good bedtime routine, it becomes important to understand what goes on in your body when you sleep. This way, you can build a lifestyle based on your personal schedule and how your body responds.
The circadian rhythm: Think of the circadian rhythm as your biological clock. This rhythm is something that you can set which is why staying consistent with your sleeping schedule is important. The circadian rhythm sends signals to your brain to produce the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. It is also typically regulated by light. This is essentially the reason why avoiding screen time before bed is recommended. You feel jet lagged because a change in time zones interferes with your natural circadian rhythm. Morning Fresh Restful Sleep is a mild non-habit-forming mix that could help you tackle the lack of sleep because of jetlag naturally.
Melatonin: This is a natural sleep-inducing hormone. Lack of sleep is most likely associated with decreased melatonin. However, large volumes of melatonin in the morning are also the cause of drowsiness which is why it is essential to maintain the right level of this hormone. Completing a sleep cycle is what makes you wake up feeling fresh and the lack of melatonin could interfere with you reaching the deep sleep state that completes a sleep cycle. Morning Fresh Deep Sleep contains 10mg of melatonin that stimulates a deep, restful sleep that ensures you wake up feeling refreshed.
A sleep cycle: There are 4 stages of sleep. You transition from light sleep to deeper sleep to deepest sleep and finally reach REM (Rapid-Eye Movement) several times during a proper restful sleep. The REM and deep sleep stages are when your body regenerates the muscles, regrows tissue and strengthens the immune system.
Good bedtime routines to practise.
Our body is designed to naturally release hormones like tryptophan and melatonin when it starts to get dark. This signals to the body that it’s time for some rest. However, our bedtime routines are not always consistent and are subject to several disruptions that can affect our normal sleep-wake cycle, for example: drinking coffee in the evenings or having a few G&T’s with friends post-work!
Here are some simple tips that can you can practise before-bedtime, to help you sleep better:
- Though this could be a challenge, keep away from technology for at least 30 minutes before hitting the bed. It’s the best way to give your mind a chance to unwind, relax and prepare to sleep deeply.
- It’s recommended to eat your meals, 2 hours prior to your bed-time, to give your body enough time to digest. Avoid eating heavy or oily foods, too close to bed-time, as your body will spend more time breaking-down the food in your system instead of preparing to sleep. This often results in disturbed or delayed sleep and can also result in lower metabolism (slower digestion rate).
- Stay consistent with your bedtime routine. Sleep experts say that adults should get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep. Having a routine or sleep schedule helps train your body to maintain a consistent circadian rhythm that regulates your sleep cycle naturally and can improve your productivity levels.
- Whether it’s you completing your 10,000 steps every day, doing an intense workout or just choosing to take the stairs every day, a little bit of physical exercise leads to regenerative and restful sleep. A minimum of 30 mins of physical exercise a day improves the oxygen circulation in your body, which in-turn can improve your quality of rest, recovery and sleep.
- Avoid white lights and opt for warm yellow or dim lights before going to bed. This small change can make a huge difference to your sleep habits! Yellow or non-blue & bright lights, naturally give your body a signal to start unwinding and preparing for it’s bedtime routine.
However, on days your sleep routine is disrupted, interrupted or becomes challenging, there’s always Morning Fresh Deep Sleep. A mild mix of natural ingredients that are designed to help you re-set unruly sleep cycles and improve your quality of rest. So if you’re struggling with jetlag, high-screen time, a lot of stress, this might be a simple way to help you re-set, recharge and wake up feeling like the best version of you.
Our natural sleep sachets are made using FSSAI & FDA approved ingredients, that are non-habit forming, safe and easy-to-use. Simply mix one sachet into a glass of water and consume 30 minutes before your desired bed-time and wake up feeling energised, rested and fresh.